Speaker & Corporate Entertainer
As a successful entrepreneur, magician, and an engaging motivational speaker, Lisa Menna has always been a secret weapon for marketers and event planners for the Fortune 500. She perfect for audiences 2-2,000. Her performances in more than 70 countries make her comfortable in any group.
Topics: Innovation, Creativity, Change Management, Entrepreneurship
With hundreds of events in 70 countries under her belt, she's now an expert at three things:
- Gathering a crowd
- Using the art of magic to ignite the crowd’s curiosity
- Passing along important information poised to spread through word of mouth
In 2011, she founded Cause to Wonder, a 501(c)(3) philanthropic organization that assists health, conservation and human rights organizations to introduce new ideas and important information to indigenous people.
“Cause to Wonder is an astounding approach to sharing information and learning.”
“Menna’s trade show performance brings in 10 times more leads than a traditional display.”
“Wonder is key, Lisa Menna explicitly explains how curiosity is the precursor to creativity.”