A magical story teller creates street theater at an Ethiopian watering hole. She introduces the phrase “Helping women brings good things.” Notice the fear subside.

Call to action: become an activist with 5 words. 

Cultures repeat stories to define themselves. It passes between 2 people. A Story's power comes when it spreads. Your words have power.

Repeating these 5 words can change the world.  "Helping women brings good things."

Programs introducing the notion of human rights for women with magic shows that are an event that turns the audience int story tellers: Granada, India, Sicily, Malta, Antigua, Ethiopia, Tortola, St Thomas - (spin offs) Mexico, Pakistan,

Download the musical enchantment, for inspiration, meditations, and as a ringtone. Check out Toinya’s website to find out more about her work. https://www.toinya.org/music