Sharing Hope for Limpopo
Opening Minds, Inspiring Wonder
Gratitude and Hope
Students at the Vhutshilo School
Hope For Limpopo
A Cause To Wonder
Struggle : How can infants with HIV in Venda, South Africa have a chance to get the food and medicine they need to survive? The local Vhutshilo Mountain School in Limpopo, South Africa lost funding, for basic supplies and support for students.
Solution : "Friendraiser". Invited guests enjoy cocktails and an evening's entertainment of sleight of hand magic. Past performers have included Lisa Menna, Johnny Fox and Steve Silverman.
Results: Over the past three years, the amazing $27,000 raised has gone straight to the Vhutshilo Mountain School in Venda, South Africa, where it will be used to provide education, two nutritious meals a day, transport to and from school, and monitoring of the ARV medications for students who are HIV positive.