Promoting water conservation by using magic tricks to introduce the expression, a clean lake is a happy life. See how quickly it catches on. Our research shows it is remembered 18 months later by both people who saw the performance as well as neighboring villages who just heard about the magic show.
Sharing Water Conservation skills in Mozambique
Struggle: How can generations of villagers who have never seen indoor plumbing, come to understand the dangers of defecating in, or pouring chemicals into the lake that they eat and drink from?
Solutions: The Manda Wilderness Trust paired up with Cause To Wonder to bring an interactive magic show to Lake Niassa, and through opening minds to exploration, introduce the consequences of water contamination, and easy solutions for water conservation.
Results: Villagers were shocked to understand through the magic show that the water was contaminated with sewage! Discussion ignited and dry composting was introduced as a solution that the community could easily integrate. "A Clean Lake Is A Happy Life" becomes part of everyone's vocabulary, and beliefs.